About Oxford Blue Systems

Oxford Blue Systems offer equipment and services for environmental monitoring, bathymetry and survey work, water quality and physical parameters, dredge monitoring, oil spills, flood warning,  currents, tides and waves.

Whether your data has crossed several continents or comes from just down the coast, it’s probably irreplaceable. The cost of mounting an expedition again or recollecting data can be enormous. So don’t take chances – choose a partner you can trust.

How we can help you

Whether you are operating in marine, freshwater, ground water or utilities, we can help. We can provide system integration for data buoys, land stations or facility monitoring, including data telemetry and hosting. We can supply data loggers, sensors and ancillary equipment to meet your needs.

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Our aim is to provide the widest range of quality equipment for our customers and so we also now work in cooperation with Swale Oceanographic.

Get in touch

Simply call us on +44 1865 890979, or use the contact form on the menu above or by clicking here.

The information on this site is supplied in accordance with our terms and conditions, which may be viewed here.